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Romy News - 20 February 2024


Hi, it’s Romy! Welcome to “Romy’s News”, your favorite show to understand the world around us. Today, we’re going to dive into space to talk about a giant black hole that eats stars like they’re candies. Then, for our question of the day, we’ll open the door of your fridge to discover how it keeps your ice cream nice and cold, and finally, we’ll see how you can become a recycling superhero! Ready for this adventure? Let’s go!

Have you ever heard of black holes, these space mysteries? It’s a place where gravity is so strong that anything that gets too close is sucked in and can’t escape. Imagine a cosmic vacuum cleaner so powerful that it can suck in everything that gets too close, even light! And because they suck in light, they appear all black, hence their name!

Recently, scientists have discovered a really special black hole. It’s huge, I mean really gigantic. This giant has been named J0529-4351. Yeah, it’s a funny name! It’s growing so fast that it’s swallowing stars as big as our Sun! But don’t worry, it’s too far from us to threaten us, it’s located 12 billion light-years away from Earth!

But how do we find these invisible black holes? Scientists use giant telescopes to observe stars and space. They don’t see black holes directly, but they can see the effects they have on their environment, like how they attract light and stars.

Black holes are very important for scientists because they help us understand space and the laws of physics. They are like keys that unlock the mysteries of the universe.

And if you ever wondered what would happen if we went into a black hole, hold on tight! Entering a black hole is like going on a journey of no return. Because of the super strong gravity, everything that falls into it is stretched and compressed. It’s a phenomenon that scientists call “spaghettification”, because it would make you as long and thin as a spaghetti! Mama Mia! But don’t worry, black holes are far too distant for us to visit.

To learn more, why not build a small model of the solar system at home with the help of your parents? You can use everyday objects to represent the planets and even add a black hole to see how they influence the space around them.

Have you ever opened your fridge and wondered how it keeps everything cool, even in the middle of summer? It’s thanks to an incredible invention that we use every day without really thinking about it.

The first modern version of the refrigerator was invented in 1834 by Jacob Perkins, but it wasn’t until the 1920s that fridges became a common household appliance. Before that, people used much more rudimentary methods, like ice cellars or natural coolers, to keep their food fresh. It was clever, but not very practical!

The modern refrigerator is like a magic box in our kitchen. It keeps our food fresh and in good condition without needing natural ice. Thanks to it, our ice cream stays frozen and our vegetables nice and crunchy.

But how does a fridge work? Inside, a special liquid, the coolant, circulates through pipes and plays a key role. It absorbs the heat from inside the fridge and releases it outside. It’s thanks to this process that the inside of the fridge stays cold.

Keeping food cool is essential for it to remain safe to eat. The fridge helps us preserve our fruits, vegetables, milk, and many other things, by keeping them at a temperature where bacteria can’t grow quickly.

And did you know that the term “refrigerator” was originally a brand invented in 1919, but it became so popular that it is used in several languages to refer to a fridge!

I suggest you do a little experiment with your parents. Place a thermometer in the fridge and see how the temperature is lower than outside. It’s a simple way to see how the fridge protects our food.

Thanks to your fridge, you can enjoy your yogurts and drink fresh milk without any danger. Yum! Thank you, Mr. Perkins!

For our ecology topic of the day, let’s talk about recycling. Do you know that our old objects and packaging can have extraordinary adventures thanks to recycling? Yes, it’s true! Recycling is like a second chance for our waste.

Recycling is the process that turns what we no longer use into something new and useful. Take for example plastic bottles, they can transform into anything, from t-shirts to tennis balls. It’s amazing to see how what we throw away can start a completely new life!

But why is it so crucial to recycle? By recycling, we help our planet by reducing waste, saving precious natural resources, and protecting animal habitats. When you know that each French person produces 5 tons of waste per year, the weight of an adult hippopotamus, we really have every reason to make efforts.

It starts with a simple gesture: sorting. I’m sure you do it at home too. Each material, whether it’s paper, plastic, glass, or metal, has its own bin. This allows special trucks to collect the different types of waste and accelerate their recycling process.

All this waste is taken to the recycling plant. Here, they begin their transformation. Machines first separate materials by type and color. Then, they are cleaned to remove any impurities. Plastics are melted and reshaped into pellets, while paper is pulped and mixed with water to create a new pulp. Making new from old! Too cool!

You too can play a crucial role in this recycling adventure. By adopting simple habits like using reusable water bottles instead of disposable plastic ones. By actively participating in sorting, you become an environmental champion.

How about making your own recycled paper like at the recycling plant? With old papers, a little water, and your parents’ help, you can create beautiful paper sheets. It’s a fun and educational way to see recycling in action and understand its impact.

And that’s it for today! I hope my topics have interested you! Every day, we learn amazing things that show how fascinating our world is and how we can all contribute to making it better. Remember, you always have a part to play!

See you tomorrow for new discoveries!

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