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Romy News - 26 February 2024


Hi there! I hope you had a great weekend and you’re ready for a new Monday full of discoveries with Romy’s News! Today, let’s start by diving into the world of fairy tales… This week, we’re embarking on an adventure where every question of the day will be about monsters and legends. Our first mystery will take us into the depths of a mysterious lake. I’m getting chills already!… As usual on Mondays, we’ll talk about an incredible animal, and this week we’re going to meet a giant of the ice! I have a feeling it’s going to be awesome! Let’s go!

Did you know that there’s a special day dedicated to fairy tales, full of magic and incredible adventures? It’s today, February 26th!

Fairy tales, those fantastic stories with princes, princesses, and magical creatures, weren’t always written in books! Initially, they were simply told out loud, from parents to children, as a way to share incredible adventures and important life lessons. That’s how these wonderful tales traveled through time, from generation to generation.

Over time, people like Charles Perrault started writing these stories. So, tales like “Cinderella” or “Little Red Riding Hood” were immortalized in books, allowing these stories to travel even farther, throughout the whole world! And you know what? These stories evolved over time, changing a bit to reflect what was important to people in different eras.

Oh, and let’s talk about Disney, a true champion at bringing fairy tales to life! Take for example “Cinderella,” with her glass slippers and magical pumpkin, or “Beauty and the Beast,” where love transforms a frightening beast into a charming prince. These films were originally fairy tales that Mister Disney turned into animated movies. They show us that no matter the obstacles, good things happen to those who keep hope alive and are kind to others.

And it’s not just the old tales, no! Disney also created new stories like Rapunzel, where a princess with ultra-long hair has incredible adventures, or Frozen, which tells the story of Elsa, Anna, and Olaf, the funny snowman, proving that family love is super powerful. It makes me want to sing “Let It Go”!

These films are like modern fairy tales. They make us laugh, sometimes cry, but above all, they teach us important things: to be brave, kind, and to believe in our dreams. And the best part is that every time we watch these movies, we can imagine ourselves living fantastic adventures, just like in the fairy tales of our childhood.

What if you became the author of your own fairy tale? Imagine yourself as a hero or heroine in a fantastic world. What extraordinary adventures would you live?

After traveling through the magical world of fairy tales, are you ready to dive into a mystery that has shaken the calm waters of a lake in Scotland for centuries? All week, in Romy’s News, we’ll explore legendary monsters! Not scared at all!

Let’s embark on an adventure at Loch Ness, where, supposedly, a monster named Nessie hides. Nessie is a bit of a local celebrity. Imagine a huge creature, with a long neck and bumps, that comes out of the water regularly to say hello. That’s how people have described Nessie for years. But the problem is that scientists have never managed to meet Nessie.

The story of Nessie really started getting serious in 1933. But this legend dates back much further in time. Stories of a strange creature in this lake date back to the 6th century! Weird, isn’t it? It goes to show how mysterious Nessie can be.

Scientists have pulled out all the stops to try to unravel Nessie’s secret: sonar, photos, and even DNA analysis of the lake. There was even a big official expedition last summer. Their results? Four “noises” heard, but the organizers eventually said they could possibly come from ducks… So far, Nessie remains a big question mark. No evidence that it’s there, but no evidence that it’s not there either!

So, what’s the explanation? Some say that Nessie could be a big fish, a giant eel, or even just floating branches in a strange way. The funniest part is that some think Nessie could be a dinosaur that survived to this day. Imagine, a real dinosaur in a lake in Scotland! Well, scientists don’t really agree with this idea, but admit it would be incredible!

Nessie is like a game that has been going on for centuries. People love mysteries, searching for clues, imagining stories. Nessie is the king of secrets, and that, that makes us dream and tickles our curiosity.

So, do you think Nessie is really out there somewhere, or is it just a great story to spice up our walks by the lake? What if you drew your own Nessie? Maybe yours will have sunglasses or a funny hat. Send me your drawing, I can’t wait to see your version of Nessie!

After exploring the mysterious depths of Loch Ness, let’s change scenery to the icy expanses of the Arctic. Like every Monday, we’re off to discover an incredible animal, and this time, the king of the ice is in the spotlight! Let’s follow the tracks of the polar bear!

The polar bear, or “Ursus maritimus” if we want to be scientific, is the big white bear you often see in documentaries. It’s perfectly equipped to live in extreme cold, with thick fur and a thick layer of fat to keep it warm.

These amazing bears live where most of us would never dare to tread: on the Arctic ice. You can find them in super cold places like Svalbard, Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. Imagine, their home is the ice!

The polar bear’s menu mostly consists of seals. It’s very patient and can wait for hours by a hole in the ice, just to catch its dinner. Sometimes it also eats fish, walruses, and even whale carcasses. Not really the kind of diet you’d find in a restaurant!

The polar bear is a survival pro in the cold. Its fur isn’t just warm, it’s also waterproof, meaning it repels frozen water. It’s kind of like having a ski jacket! And its hairs are hollow, like tiny straws, to conduct the heat from the sun directly to its black skin and keep it nice and warm. Thanks to its all-black skin, even under its white fur, it can absorb a ton of heat from the sun.

And you know what? The polar bear is also a swimming champion. It can swim for miles, thanks to its front paws that are a bit like flippers and its fur that keeps it dry. A polar bear has been seen swimming for nearly 675 kilometers without stopping! What a champion!

But the sad reality is that the polar bear has cause for concern. With climate change, the ice in its habitat is melting, and it’s becoming harder and harder for it to find food. It would be too sad if this species disappeared because of humans!

So, now that you know a bit more about this incredible swimmer and ice hunter, if you want, you can ask your parents to read you “The Polar Bear” by Jenni Desmond. It’s a fantastic book.

And there you have it, we’re done for today! Get ready as we’re not done tracking mysterious monsters and legends this week. Exciting times ahead!

I wish you a lovely evening and I’ll see you tomorrow for more exciting discoveries. Imagine if we discovered a broccoli-eating monster! That would be quite a funny monster, right?

So, see you tomorrow for new adventures, and remember: Curiosity doesn’t wait!

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