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Romy News - 4 March 2024


Hi! It’s Romy, and welcome to “Romy News”, your show to explore and discover the world together! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to start this new week with lots of curiosity… In today’s episode, first, we’re heading to Kyrgyzstan. There, very clever people have found a brilliant way to create mini artificial glaciers to help farmers. After that, for the question of the day, things will get rocking! We’ll talk about the history of rock! And finally, we’ll meet a super special animal: the armadillo, which wears armor like a knight! Let’s go! Let’s go to Kyrgyzstan, a distant country in Asia located in the mountains. There, water is very precious, especially for farmers who need it to cultivate their lands and give drink to their animals. But they have a big problem: there’s not enough water because of climate change. So, they have found a clever solution: creating mini artificial glaciers. A mini glacier is like a big pile of ice that people build in the winter. They take water from rivers and let it freeze in the mountains. It’s not magic, but it’s very clever! These glaciers are not very big, about five meters high, but they are very important for the inhabitants. The people of Kyrgyzstan create these glaciers because they are finding it more difficult to find water. With global warming, there is less snow and rain, so less water for everyone. These artificial glaciers are a way to store water in winter to be used in spring and summer, when it is most needed. To make a mini glacier, the inhabitants direct water from a stream to a cold place where it can freeze. They use pipes to bring the water to where they want and let it turn into ice. When the glacier melts with the heat, the water is released little by little, exactly when it is needed. This brilliant technique is not unique to Kyrgyzstan; it is also practiced in Pakistan, another country in Asia, where artificial glaciers are known as “baby glaciers” and have been made for a long time. These glaciers are very useful because they provide water to irrigate crops and water animals when there is no other water source available. This helps farmers to continue cultivating their land and feeding their livestock. The mini glaciers are a creative solution to combat water scarcity in Kyrgyzstan, showing how people can adapt to difficult environmental challenges. And you, what would you do to save water at your home? Maybe you could turn off the tap when you brush your teeth, thinking of the people in Kyrgyzstan! After exploring the mini glaciers in Kyrgyzstan, let’s switch gears to something completely different: rock music! Today, I’m answering the question of the day from Océane from Toulouse, who is in 4th grade: “When was rock music invented?” Well, Océane, rock music didn’t just appear out of nowhere. In the 1940s and 1950s, it emerged as a fusion of various musical styles, including blues, jazz, and country. Artists started experimenting with new sounds, especially using electric guitars to create a more dynamic and powerful style. Yeah! When rock music started gaining popularity in the 1950s, it immediately captivated audiences. Take Elvis Presley, for example, often called “the king of rock ‘n’ roll”, he rocked hearts with hits like “Jailhouse Rock” and “Hound Dog”. Chuck Berry, with his unique guitar playing, delivered hits like “Johnny B. Goode”. And then there’s Little Richard, whose powerful voice and energetic stage presence with songs like “Tutti Frutti” left a mark on rock history. Rock music is full of fun facts. Did you know, for instance, that The Beatles started by playing rock ‘n’ roll before exploring other genres? Or that at a concert, Jimi Hendrix, a legendary guitarist, set his guitar on fire on stage, creating one of the most memorable moments in rock history? Over the years, rock music has taken on different forms, giving rise to many sub-genres. Bands and artists from around the world have added their personal touch, evolving rock music in incredible ways. Today, rock music is still alive and kicking, inspiring new musicians and captivating fans of all generations. It’s a music style that continues to reinvent itself while staying true to its roots. And you, do you have a favorite rock song? Maybe you could discuss it with your parents and discover some rock classics together. Who knows, you might find a new song to add to your playlist! Lastly, let’s discover a super cool animal as we do every Monday. This week, we’re talking about a small animal that protects itself like a tank: the armadillo. Armadillos are part of the Dasypodidae family. They are the only mammals to wear such a cool armor - a shell made of bony plates covered in very tough skin. It’s like they’re wearing a shield all the time to protect themselves! Do you know where you can find these funny creatures? They live in very diverse habitats, like tropical forests or prairies, and are mostly found in America, from north to south. Their appearance is truly unique. Besides their shell, they have long claws that are super useful for digging in the ground for food or making shelters. Their menu is quite varied too. Armadillos are omnivores, which means they eat a little bit of everything: insects, plants, fruits, and sometimes even small animals. Their nose is incredibly powerful for detecting their meals from a distance. Armadillos also have very interesting behaviors. For example, they can roll up into a ball to escape predators or even swim! Yes, they can swim. There are plenty of fun facts about them. For example, did you know that the nine-banded armadillo is the only one that can completely roll into a ball? And some can even hold their breath underwater for several minutes. There you go, now you know lots of things about armadillos! They really are incredible animals. And you, would you like to have a shell like them to protect yourself? And that’s all for today in “Romy News”! We traveled from Kyrgyzstan with its innovative mini glaciers to the rocking rhythm of rock music, ending with the fascinating discovery of armadillos and their natural armor. I hope you learned lots of interesting and fun things. Remember, if you have any questions or if you want to share something about today’s topics, ask your parents to send a message to Romy on Instagram. See you tomorrow for new adventures!

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