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Romy News - 20 March 2024


Hi there! Today is a special day because it’s the first day of spring! It’s the time when we say goodbye to winter, to snowmen, and to cozy hot chocolates wrapped in a blanket. And instead, we welcome the colorful flower beds and the longer days. That will be our first topic of the day. We will also talk about yawning, something that happens unexpectedly! And finally, get ready to embark with me thousands of kilometers away from home, heading to South Korea, a country where technology and tradition meet. So, are you ready to take off on this adventure? Great! Let’s go for an extraordinary journey in our world!

… You might not have noticed when you opened the curtains this morning, but something magical happened: spring has arrived! Together, we will discover why and when this lovely season begins, and what incredible changes it brings along.

Spring shows up during the equinox, around March 20th. It’s as if the Earth decided to be fair for a day, giving as much sunlight as sleep. People have been celebrating this change for a very long time, some by dancing, others by singing, when spring arrives.

Look out the window, you will see nature transforming. It’s like it’s waking up from a long winter sleep. The trees put on their most beautiful flower dresses, the birds return like tourists after a long journey, and the animals slowly come out of hiding. Wow, the days are getting longer and you can feel the air getting warmer.

You know, spring also influences our lives. Farmers get their fields ready, we organize parties to welcome the season, and it’s a great time to do a big spring cleaning at home.

I have an idea, what if you planted a seed yourself with your parents? You could observe how, day after day, it grows, just like you! And look around, does your garden, or the park where you play, change with the arrival of spring? … Today, for the question of the day, let’s dive into the mysteries of yawning. You know, that thing that happens when we open our mouths wide without being able to stop it. Together, let’s explore why our bodies do that, what effects it has on us, and what scientists say about it.

So, what exactly is a yawn? Imagine your brain pressing a mystery button and voilà, your mouth opens wide and you take a deep breath. It’s a bit like letting out a big sigh. And did you know that when one person yawns, it makes others want to yawn too?

There are many reasons that might make you yawn. Maybe you’re tired, or a little bored, or perhaps your brain is looking for more fresh air. Some science whizzes even think that yawning could help keep our brains cool. And you’ll notice that it mostly happens when you wake up or get ready to go to sleep.

When you yawn, your face gets a workout: it stretches, and you might even have tears in your eyes without being sad. And that’s not all, it makes you more alert and prepares your brain to work at its best. It seems that athletes and musicians use it to warm up before a big effort or a concert.

Scientists have plenty of ideas: some believe it was used by our ancestors to communicate. Even babies in their moms’ bellies yawn! The truth is, we’re not 100% sure why we yawn, and that’s what makes it exciting in science.

So, have you noticed at which times of the day you tend to yawn? Why not play a little game: count your yawns during a day and share this mysterious number with your parents or friends.

… Are you ready to take a leap into a country where skyscrapers stand next to ancient palaces? Welcome to South Korea, a land of incredible contrasts, which in a very short time has become a superstar of modernity while preserving its unique traditions. Let’s walk through its geography, its history full of twists and turns, its vibrant culture, its strong economy, and its impressive technological advancement.

South Korea is part of a peninsula, a piece of land surrounded by the sea almost on all sides, separated from its northern neighbor since a war in 1953. Its territory is a mosaic of mountains, coasts, and sparkling cities. You could experience seasons like in a picture book, with flowery springs, rainy summers, golden autumns, and snowy white winters.

This country also takes us back to a distant past, with kings and queens from a bygone era like the Kingdom of Silla. Following global historical turmoils, Korea split into two, and the South emerged as an independent country. Since then, it has changed greatly, bouncing back dramatically after tough times, so much so that it’s called the “Miracle on the Han River.”

In the streets of Seoul, the capital, you will definitely hear the catchy tunes of K-pop, the music that makes the whole world dance. The scents of kimchi and barbecue will make your mouth water, and if you’re there at the right time, you will see traditional celebrations like the Lunar New Year. Maybe you’ll even have the chance to play “Go-Stop,” a popular card game there.

In terms of work, South Korea means business: it has created giant companies, called “chaebols,” you might know Samsung or Hyundai? These companies sprout like mushrooms and drive technology forward at a crazy pace! The schools there, they shape the minds of tomorrow to keep innovating and impressing the world.

South Korea is a perfect mix of the future and traditions. And tell me, if you could visit this extraordinary country, where would you start your journey, with the music, the games, the food? And there we go, we’ve covered everything for today! You’ve seen how the world is full of surprises, with spring arriving, the mystery of yawning, and South Korea, such a dynamic country?

If you enjoyed our journey today, come share your stories on Instagram by tagging me, and tell me what you learned or what you would like to discover in our next adventures. Romy is already waiting for you for new incredible explorations. So, stay curious, and see you soon for more exciting stories!

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